Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Why Should We Hire You - The Essay Sample?

Why Should We Hire You - The Essay Sample?When people ask me, 'Why should we hire you?' I often respond, 'If you have good writing skills and you enjoy writing, there are many interesting, challenging and profitable writing jobs available. If you're not sure what you can do with your writing, read the full bio below and then contact me for more information.'You'll enjoy my bio because I'm a professional writer who's had some interesting positions before. As a college student in Washington, DC, I wrote copy for the local district attorney's office, the Washington Post, U.S. News & World Report, and other places. In 1988, I received my master's degree in English from the University of California-Berkeley, and I continued to write fiction for several years. Then, in 1998, I decided to pursue something more rewarding, and I began my career as a freelance or an in-house copywriter.Now, I've written for magazines such as Conde Nast, Dial Press, Salon, Salon Online, Collegehumor, and ma ny others. My favorite topic is serious, intelligent writing about subjects such as politics, culture, health, business, and the media.As someone who understands exactly what makes a good story, I also understand the great lengths that talented, ambitious writers go to in order to be noticed. With that in mind, I'm always looking for creative people to contribute to my pages.One of the reasons why I believe that I'll benefit from knowing the kind of creative story that I can provide is because I have great confidence in my ability to deliver original material. I've written on numerous topics over the past few years and I've been publishing essays online for two years. So, if I say I'm a creative writer, it's absolutely true.Another reason why I consider this essay sample a quality addition to my portfolio is because it's true! That being said, I realize that many people aren't going to be impressed by the fact that I'm not an academic writing instructor; I just prefer not to spend m y time or energy producing content that can be easily replicated by anyone else.And, by not devoting myself to the written word, I don't risk being seen as boring or unprofessional at a job interview. So, if you truly want to get ahead in the writing world, you must dedicate yourself to producing your best work.If you're making a genuine effort to do so, I strongly encourage you to use this sample as a tool to help improve your writing, which will help your writing career. And, finally, I strongly encourage you to contact me for more information on how you can be part of the team that's helping me grow as a writer.

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